Why has flying become such a dramatic experience?

Why has flying become such a dramatic experience?

Why has flying become such a dramatic experience? Is it because of our addiction to social media, where videos and memes about airplane mishaps flood our feeds? It seems that we’ve become a world of complainers, forgetting the art of gratitude and appreciation for the marvels of modern air travel. Let’s take a look at the common complaints surrounding flying.

  1. Lost Baggage: The Mysterious Vanishing Act Ah, the thrill of checking in your luggage, bidding it farewell, and hoping it reaches your destination unscathed. But sometimes, bags decide to embark on an adventurous solo trip to a land unknown. We’ve all witnessed that sinking feeling as we stare at the baggage carousel, praying for our beloved suitcase to appear. We’ve all been there, tapping our feet impatiently at the gate while daydreaming about our suitcases sunning themselves on a tropical beach. While our suitcases are busy sunning themselves, we are at crowded counters fighting to get attention. Stressed service staff are forcing themselves to be kind and endearing. Once you are all done, you then need to find a place to buy some designer underwear.

  2. Delayed Flights: Time Warp Woes Time is a funny thing when you’re at the airport. Minutes can feel like hours, and hours can feel like eternity. We’ve all sat at the gate, watching the departure time tick away, wondering if we accidentally stepped into a parallel universe where time operates at its own leisurely pace. We need a holiday to get some relief from this stress. Oh yes, I am on holiday. Hell why did I ever decide to come on holiday! Did I really have to try and save 50 Dollars for this crap. Next time I will pay for a better airline. Right!

  3. Uncomfortable Seats: The Quest for the Perfect Throne Airplane seats have a talent for reminding us of the importance of chiropractors. Whether it’s the lack of legroom, an armrest war with your neighbor, or the cushion that seems to have escaped to a tropical paradise, we’ve all experienced the struggle of trying to find a comfortable position. We twist and turn, trying to unlock the secrets of the perfect sleeping and sitting position while trying not to touch our neighbor. You pray for a small Asian person to sit next to you so that you can claim the armrest!

  4. Hidden Charges/Costs: The Price is (Sometimes) Right Booking a flight feels like stepping into a financial minefield. Just when you thought you had secured a great deal, the hidden charges sneak up on you like mischievous pixies. Baggage fees, seat selection fees, taxes, and more can turn a budget-friendly ticket into an unexpected financial burden. Airlines have turned budgeting into a high-stakes game of “Guess the Total Fare.” But then as experienced flying gamblers we always try to ‘beat’ the system. We want to gloat at our friends at our fine tuned Booking skills. You are now confident and that you have the skills of a forex trader. Well done!

  5. Customer Service: Adventures in Miscommunication Navigating customer service at airports is like embarking on a treasure hunt with vague clues. We’ve all experienced the joys of miscommunication, where our questions are met with cryptic answers, and our pleas for assistance are sometimes met with bewildered stares. But hey, it adds a touch of mystery and suspense to the journey!We navigate the maze of automated phone menus, desperately pressing buttons in hopes of connecting with an actual human being. Forgetting that automation equals cheap. When we finally connect with a human being either telephonically or physically you will be convinced that hell is a nice place after all.

  6. Cabin Cleanliness: The Game of Spot the Remnants Airplanes are a fascinating place where mysterious stains and hidden treasures coexist. It’s like playing a game of “I Spy,” except instead of finding a small object, you spot crumbs from a previous passenger’s snack or a forgotten item tucked away in the seat pocket. It’s a constant reminder that cleanliness is a shared responsibility, and sometimes, it’s better to just laugh it off. But you just wonder what that team of people just did before you boarded your flight.

Amidst the complaints and inconveniences, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the remarkable nature of flying. We may despise queues, security checks, and the occasional overpriced cup of coffee, but let’s not forget that every convenience comes at a price. So, the next time you find yourself flying at 30,000 feet, take a moment to appreciate the marvel of human achievement and enjoy the journey, quirks and all. After all, it’s an experience that, even with its ups and downs, is worth celebrating.

Bon voyage, fellow travelers!

Embracing the Power of Experimentation

Embracing the Power of Experimentation

In a world full of wellness trends and conflicting advice, finding your path to health and happiness can sometimes feel overwhelming. But fear not! Embracing the power of experimentation allows you to navigate the vast landscape of well-being with curiosity, flexibility, and a touch of lightheartedness. So, let’s embark on this exciting adventure and unlock the secrets to a fulfilling and vibrant life! Unless watching reruns of Seinfeld is your thing. Yes, I know I am giving away my age.

  1. Health is Not One-Size-Fits-All: We are all wonderfully unique individuals with distinct bodies, preferences, and lifestyles. We live in this wonderful global village with its different flavors, tastes, and smells. We are often limited by our language, so we don’t explore. How about a Moroccan Keto diet meal plan? Recognizing that health is not a one-size-fits-all approach is the first step towards creating a personalized well-being plan. Instead of following generic advice, often through sponsored advertising on social media, take the time to explore various strategies and techniques. Be open to experimentation and discover what truly works best for you in your current season of life. After all, your journey to health is as extraordinary as you are!


  1. Find Your Rhythm: Life is an ever-evolving dance, and your routines and habits should reflect that. As your needs change, be willing to adapt and fine-tune your approach to well-being. Experimentation becomes your ally in this process. Try out different exercise regimens, meal plans, and self-care practices to uncover what brings you the most joy and fulfillment. Perhaps you’ll discover that yoga invigorates your spirit more than running, or that a meat-based diet nourishes your body and soul. Embrace the adventure of finding your rhythm and allow it to guide you towards a harmonious and balanced lifestyle. If Tabata, God forbid, does not help you, try Zumba and wiggle those hips. See how fast your feet can react to your brain. Before your brain explodes from too much Bachata. If walking is too boring, try jogging. If you really want to impress a few folks, do a sprint. You may collapse later, but at least your ego got a boost. I digress. Just do something! I don’t want to infringe on some brand name.
  2. Seek Professional Guidance: While self-exploration is valuable, seeking professional guidance can provide you with expert advice tailored to your unique needs and goals. Qualified health practitioners or experts have the knowledge and experience to guide you on your journey. Whether it’s a nutritionist, a personal trainer, or a therapist, these professionals can offer personalized recommendations that align with your specific circumstances. By collaborating with experts, you gain insights and tools to navigate the vast realm of health more effectively, empowering you to make informed decisions about your well-being. However, if the practitioner is draining your cash supply and robbing your retirement funds, then use them as temporary consultants. Knowledge is power.

Embracing the power of experimentation is a delightful and transformative approach to your health and happiness. By recognizing that health is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. Allow yourself to explore different strategies, routines, and practices to find what truly resonates with you. Be open to adaptation as your needs change and seek the guidance of qualified professionals who can offer personalized advice. Your well-being journey is unique and should reflect the vibrant individual that you are. Yes, you are! So get moving!

Unleash Your Potential: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for a Healthier Lifestyle

Unleash Your Potential: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for a Healthier Lifestyle

Unleash Your Potential: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for a Healthier Lifestyle

 In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, cultivating a positive mindset is an essential aspect that often gets overlooked. It is this mindset that fuels our motivation, enables us to overcome setbacks and failures, and propels us forward towards our goals. By harnessing the power of positivity, self-love, and visualization, we can unlock our true potential and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier life.

  1. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: The foundation of a positive mindset lies in discovering your ultimate source of motivation. What truly drives you to lead a healthier lifestyle? Take a moment to reflect on your values, aspirations, and desires. When you identify your core motivation, it becomes your guiding light, empowering you to stay focused even during setbacks and minor failures. Set meaningful goals that align with your passion and ignite a fire within you. Whether it’s improving your fitness level, adopting a nutritious diet, or prioritizing mental well-being, let these goals be the driving force behind your health journey.

  2. Embrace Self-Love: Self-love forms the bedrock of a positive mindset. Prioritizing self-care is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. Nurture your mind, body, and soul through activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation. Practice positive affirmations daily to reaffirm your worth and capabilities. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, celebrating every milestone and progress made along the way. Remember, embracing self-love is not selfish; it is an act of self-preservation that allows you to show up as your best self in all areas of life.

  3. Embrace the Power of Visualization: Visualization is a potent tool that can transform your health journey. Close your eyes and envision yourself living a vibrant, healthy life. Visualize yourself enjoying physical activities, savoring nourishing meals, and radiating positivity. This visualization serves as a powerful motivator, inspiring you to make choices aligned with your desired outcome. Immerse yourself in this mental image regularly, especially during challenging times. Embracing the power of visualization strengthens your belief in your ability to achieve your health goals, making them more tangible and attainable.

A positive mindset is the driving force behind a successful and fulfilling journey towards a healthier lifestyle. By cultivating positivity, embracing self-love, and leveraging the power of visualization, you can unlock your true potential and transform your life. Remember, setbacks and failures are part of the process, but with a positive mindset, they become stepping stones rather than roadblocks. So, embark on this journey with confidence, determination, and an unwavering belief in your ability to create the vibrant, healthy life you deserve.

What my Mom means to me

What my Mom means to me

Its just over 3 weeks since Mom passed away. I never really understood grief until now. When my Dad passed away I felt sad for a few days. But Mom was still there. Her words and actions in a way prescribed how we felt about his death. So it was easier then. Fifteen years ago.

Now I am in tears constantly. Having this brave face to the world. But there are moments when you don’t expect, that you feel broken and sorrowful. You cannot describe or explain it. You don’t know where it comes from. You just breakdown and cry. Other days you just burst out laughing as you remember something she has said. I am writing this as a way to deal with my grief.

Should I be asked to describe my Mom, my view would be different from each of my siblings. I experienced her life and love differently to them. Given my life journey. Each of us had our own life journeys and things we shared with her. But then again there are similarities in her actions among all of us.

1. She was the CEO of household chores. We remember getting chores before even starting grade 1. Whether it was setting the table or drying the dishes. There was only one way of doing it. Her way. But you learnt to do things right. No half baked jobs on anything.

2. She was an excellent Cook, but more than that, a trainer. She taught us how to cook and bake. A skill we carry with us to this day. We were always willing an able assistants when it came to cookies and cakes. Not so much cooking dinner.

3. She was industrious. Supporting the household income for the little luxuries which my dad’s salary could not afford. Knitting cardigans and jerseys on her Janome knitting machine will always come to mind. She would knit the different parts during the day and sew them together at night. Hence the reason we had to cook! Doing plant decorations with my brother was another oulet for her to express this quality. She just had to do something!

4. She had a great passion for gardening. She lived it, breathed it and killed millions of snails who got in her way. Right till the end she was always thinking about her garden. It was HER garden. The way she wanted it. She could always visualize how spring would be based on her preparation during autumn and winter.

5. She took us on holiday on money she saved throughout the year. Strandfontein was not the best place 50 years ago. It was often windy and the sea water cold. But it got us out of the house once a year.

6. As we grew older she become a backer. Someone who sometimes pushes you into a venture that was often just a thought. Sometimes she was wrong. Wasted her money but she was willing to risk that. One had to make progress.

7. She was obsessed with reading and education. She always said that our education is our inheritance. It is my motto as well. For someone that had minimal education, who equipped herself to read well, she was always talking about this to her grandchildren. Often irritating them.

8. Presentation is important. Whenever Mom had to go out somewhere, whether to the shop, hospital or visiting. She always insisted on dressing modestly well. Putting on make up etc. She never wanted to look old and haggard. Age was not an excuse not to look presentable.

9. Magnanimous is an educated word for mother. Mom taught me that generosity is never about sharing your abundance, but sharing what was shareable. This could be two cookies, a slice of cake, some leftover meal, a towel, an unwanted gift, a plant cutting, a book, even a recipe. The list is endless. You often left with a something in a shopping bag. Often these gifts were accompanied by a lecture or a scolding.

10. In an alternate universe she would have been a Superhero. She was a rescuer by nature. A mother’s flaw. When sharing a problem or simply venting, she would want to provide and sometimes, be the solution. A solution we weren’t always looking for. She would stick with you for the duration of the problem, till some finality is reached. In that way she was better than a Superhero.

I feel better after writing this. I have a bit of a smile. There is much more to say, but this what comes to mind today.

I cherish those memories and times when we had three hour long phone calls. Often the things said were repeated the previous week.

So in case you wonder why I am doing many crazy, adventurous and challenging things. Blame my mother she raised me well and instilled all these values in me.

I miss you Mom. Thanks for all your sacrifices, patience, and love that you showed practically your whole life.



I never thought I would have something valuable to contribute regarding loneliness. When we typically think of loneliness, we envision a crumpled older person living alone or a teenager enduring bullying and rejection from their peers. I’m sure each person has their own perception of loneliness. Me, being an introvert, does not help in any way.

There are various ways to define loneliness, especially for those who have never experienced it or dealt with its symptoms. Personally, loneliness struck me while I was working here in China, exacerbated by two years of lock-downs. The lock-downs disrupted simple daily routines like shopping and having the freedom to choose what and when to buy food, resulting in a lack of physical contact.

Now that the world has returned to normal, I still find myself feeling lonely and depressed. I work seven days a week and maintain constant contact with students, colleagues, and my family back home. So why do these feelings persist? I’ve become an irritable and moody individual without any apparent reason. Living on the 23rd floor, I used to have senseless thoughts of suicide when looking out the balcony window. I didn’t even consider myself to be suicidal or depressed.

Then, after my wife left following a visit, I suddenly felt lonely and homesick once again.

So why do these feelings of loneliness persist? I believe it has everything to do with the quality and meaning of the connections we have in our relationships. Within the context of my job, I cannot freely express my emotions; I am expected to maintain a “professional” demeanor and remain guarded at all times. It feels like wearing a mask, reminiscent of a scene from a movie.

When I’m home alone, I find myself binge-watching meaningless shows or movies. Going out by myself isn’t enjoyable; life is best shared rather than experienced solo, at least from my perspective. Meal times become mundane occasions often accompanied by the TV. To break the monotony and inject some excitement, I resort to ordering takeout, even though I don’t particularly enjoy the food.

For me, my character and personality revolve around meaningful relationships. I won’t go out of my way to cook something special for myself, but when it comes to my wife, it brings me great pleasure. Making coffee in the mornings just the way she likes it makes me feel good. Assisting someone or performing a favor, regardless of how menial the task may be, brings me satisfaction.

Have I discovered a definitive solution to my loneliness? Not really. However, simply acknowledging the fact that I’m experiencing loneliness serves as a starting point. So one of the ways I strive to be authentic to myself is by sharing what’s on my mind, hence this blog.